Broken links are a huge frustration for website users and search engines alike. For users they mean a dead end and interruption to their experience on your website which could result in them leaving and shopping with one of your competitors instead. In SEO terms broken links make it harder for search engines to crawl your website, find your best webpages and include them in search results leading to less visibility, traffic and sales through your website.

But fear not, fixing broken links isn't rocket science and as long as you've got Google Analytics running on your website you can easily find out which pages contain broken links. Once you know which of your website pages contain the links, you can check that page and fix the link, giving you a better chance of ranking in search engines.

Do this as a regular task too, perhaps once per month, otherwise you might find there's a lot to fix and it takes a long time, little and often is the best approach here.

It's always important to remember though that SEO is not a one trick pony and revisiting this report regularly, as well as the other SEO basics we've covered previously, is what will help you improve over time. Take a look at the video below and don't forget to check out our other 90 Second Knowledge SEO videos for other hints and tips to improve your digital marketing.

You can find all of our videos on our YouTube Channel (don't forget to like & subscribe) and they will also be posted to the website on a regular basis. We've kept them short to make them digestible and covered just the essentials you need to get going, we want you to get the most of out the platform rather than bamboozling you with detail.

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